The first thing to do is to partition a disk. For this internet is required because `gptfdisk` only available in the repositories and is not included on the extended Iso.
To set it up we'll use `setup-interfaces` and `setup-apkrepos`.
# setup-interfaces -ar
# setup-apkrepos -c1
Because the Alpine Linux Iso is pretty minimal a few packages will have to be installed first:
The drive should be partitioned using `gdisk` (or `cfdisk`). It should have atleast two partitions with one `EFI System` Partition and one `Linux filesystem` partition and look something like this:
| Number of partition | Size | Type |
| 1 | 512 MB or more | EFI System |
| 2 | Rest of the drive | Linux filesystem |
Then to create the filesystem on the efi partition.
# mkfs.fat -F 32 -n efi /dev/<disk1>
And the encrypted filesystem on the root partition.