To configure the displays of the systems it's necessary to either configure them through `.config/wayfire.ini` or use an external application like `kanshi`.
To install kanshi:
# xbps-install -Sy kanshi
To actually change the display settings edit the `.config/kanshi/config` according to it's manpage. It should look something like:
profile <profile_name> {
output "<display_1>" mode<horizontal_resolution>x<vertical_resolution>@<display_frequency> position <x_coordinate>,<y_coordinate>
output "<display_2>" mode<horizontal_resolution>x<vertical_resolution>@<display_frequency> position <x_coordinate>,<y_coordinate>
And make sure `kanshi` gets started by Wayfire by adding it to auto start.
outputs = kanshi
#### Color-temperature adjustment
For changing the day/night gamma install `wlsunset`.