After flasing the Alpine Linux extended ISO on a usbdrive, partition a disk. For this internet is required because `gptfdisk` is only available in the repositories and is not included on the extended ISO.
To set it up `setup-interfaces` and `setup-apkrepos` will be used.
# setup-interfaces -ar
# setup-apkrepos -c1
Because the Alpine Linux ISO is pretty minimal a few packages will have to be installed first:
The drive should be partitioned using `gdisk` (or `cfdisk`). It should have atleast two partitions with one `EFI System` partition and one `Linux filesystem` partition and look something like this:
| Number of partition | Size | Type |
| 1 | 512 MB or more | EFI System |
| 2 | Rest of the drive | Linux filesystem |
Then to create the filesystem on the efi partition.
# mkfs.fat -F 32 -n efi /dev/<disk1>
And the encrypted filesystem on the root partition.
Choose $n \in \mathbb{N}$ accordingly. Now the home partition fills the entirety of the volume group. These sizes should be changed depending on the needs of the user.
To create the filesystems on the logical partitions: