diff --git a/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/installation.md b/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/installation.md
index e69de29..f6101b2 100644
--- a/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/installation.md
+++ b/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/installation.md
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+# Installation
+To install the Alpine Linux distribution on the system, the encrypted partition and the efi partition have to be mounted to the main system.
+# mount /dev/vg0/alproot /mnt -t ext4
+# mkdir /mnt/boot/efi -p
+# mount /dev/disk/by-label/efi /mnt/boot/efi
+Then set up the base system using `setup-disk`:
+# setup-disk -m sys /mnt
+This will also add grub as bootloader which is going to be replaced on this system but for now it will reside on the boot partition.
+Now the other directories are going to be mounted so that it's possible to chroot into the system:
+# for i in dev proc sys run; do
+> mount --rbind --make-rslave /$i /mnt/$i
+> done
+# chroot /mnt
+The other "setup" scripts can be used to configure key aspects of the system.
+# setup-hostname <hostname>
+# setup-keymap us us-euro
+# setup-timezone -i <Area>/<Subarea>
+# passwd root
+Edit `/etc/fstab` for correct mounts.
+tmpfs   /tmp    tmpfs   nosuid,nodev    0 0
+efivarfs    /sys/firmware/efi/efivars   efivarfs    defaults    0 0
+/dev/vg0/alproot    /   ext4    defaults,noatime    0 1
+/dev/vg0/alphome    /home   ext4    defaults,noatime    0 1
+/dev/disk/by-label/efi  /boot/efi   vfat    defaults    0 2
+By default Alpine Linux uses `mkinitfs` to create initramfs, although it's minimal that also means that it lacks some functionality which is needed for a proper setup. 
+Because of this `mkinitfs` and `grub-efi `will be replaced with `booster` and `secureboot-hook`.
+# apk add booster secureboot-hook sbctl
+# apk del mkinitfs grub-efi
+To configure booster edit `/etc/booster.yaml`:
+busybox: true
+modules: vfat,nls_cp437,nls_iso8859_1
+enable_lvm: true
+The most important step is the creation of uki's using `secureboot-hook` which also automatically signs them. First the hook itself will have to be tweaked to use `booster` instead of `mkinitfs`, edit `/usr/share/kernel-hooks.d/secureboot.hook` and change the line:
+/sbin/mkinitfs -o "$tmpdir"/initramfs "$NEW_VERSION-$FLAVOR"
+/usr/bin/booster build "$tmpdir"/initramfs --kernel-version "$NEW_VERSION-$FLAVOR"
+And configure `/etc/kernel-hooks.d/secureboot.conf` for cmdline and secureboot.
+cmdline="rw rd.luks.name=<uuid>=root root=/dev/vg0/alproot modules=ext4 quiet splash rd.lvm.vg=vg0"
+Here `<uuid>` has to be replaced with the uuid of the partition which contains our volume group:
+# blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/<disk2> >> /etc/kernel-hooks.d/secureboot.conf
+All that's left for booting is secureboot which `sbctl` will be used for to create keys, and sign some executables with.
+# sbctl create-keys
+# sbctl enroll-keys
+# sbctl sign -s /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/BOOTX64.EF
+> Don't forget to set secureboot to setup mode during boot (although this can be done later too)!
+Now to see if everything went succesfully run:
+# apk fix kernel-hooks
+And it should give no warnings if done properly. 
+Before finishing up the installation `networkmanager` will be install for networking.
+# apk add networkmanager
+# setup-devd udev
+# apk add networkmanager-wifi
+# rc-update add networkmanager default
+Wifi will not yet work but this is will be done later on.
+To make our lives easier we'll also install `gummiboot` as a bootloader.
+# apk add gummiboot
+# gummiboot install
+# sbctl sign -s /boot/efi/EFI/gummiboot/gummibootx64.efi
+And also remove some junk left over by grub.
+# rm -rf /boot/efi/EFI/alpine
+Now exit out of the chroot and you should be able to reboot into a working Alpine system.
+# exit
+# umount -lf /mnt
+# reboot now
+> Do note that "Linux Boot Manager" will have to be set to load first in your bios.
diff --git a/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/provisioning.md b/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/provisioning.md
index e69de29..f0d814e 100644
--- a/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/provisioning.md
+++ b/docs/alpine-desktop-setup/installation/provisioning.md
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Provisioning
+The first thing to do is to partition a disk. For this internet is required because `gptfdisk` only available in the repositories and is not included on the extended Iso.
+To set it up we'll use `setup-interfaces` and `setup-apkrepos`.
+# setup-interfaces -ar
+# setup-apkrepos -c1
+Because the Alpine Linux Iso is pretty minimal a few packages will have to be installed first:
+# apk add cryptsetup lvm2 lsblk e2fsprogs gptfdisk
+The drive should be partitioned using `gdisk` (or `cfdisk`). It should have atleast two partitions with one `EFI System` Partition and one `Linux filesystem` partition and look something like this:
+| Number of partition | Size | Type |
+| 1     |  512 MB or more | EFI System        |
+| 2     |  Rest of the drive | Linux filesystem  |
+Then to create the filesystem on the efi partition.
+# mkfs.fat -F 32 -n efi /dev/<disk1>
+And the encrypted filesystem on the root partition.
+# cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/<disk2> --type luks2 --label luks
+# cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/<disk2> pv0
+Now to create a new LVM volume group:
+# vgcreate vg0 /dev/mapper/pv0
+To create partitions inside the volume group:
+# lvcreate --name alproot -L 64G vg0
+# lvcreate --name alphome -l 100%FREE vg0
+Now the home partition fills the entirety of the volume group. These sizes should be changed depending on the needs of the user.
+To create the filesystems on the logical partitions:
+# mkfs.ext4 -L alpine-root /dev/vg0/alproot
+# mkfs.ext4 -L alpine-home /dev/vg0/alphome
+Other filesystems can also be used but `ext4` is the standard for most linux distrobutions.