Swap can be utilised by the system to free up space in RAM. For most use cases it is recommend to create a swapfile that is one and a half times the size of your RAM. To create a swapfile of 8 GB use: ``` # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=8M count=1024 status=progress ``` To create a different size of swapfile, change the `count=` amount to a desirable size. Then to actually add the swap space to your system issue these commands: ``` # chmod 600 /swapfile # mkswap /swapfile # swapon /swapfile ``` To mount the swap to the system at boot, add the swapfile to your `/etc/fstab`: ``` /swapfile none swap defaults 0 0 ``` And do not forget to reconfigure the kernel after updating`/etc/fstab`: ``` # xbps-reconfigure -f linux ```