# Firmware and drivers

## GPU drivers

It is necessary for a graphical enviroment to install GPU drivers. To install the drivers for your GPU use one of the following commands:

### For Intel

# xbps-install -Sy linux-firmware-intel mesa mesa-dri vulkan-loader mesa-vulkan-intel intel-video-accel 

### For AMD

# xbps-install -Sy linux-firmware-amd vulkan-loader mesa-vulkan-radeon amdvlk xf86-video-amdgpu mesa-vaapi mesa-vdpau mesa-dri

### For Nvidia (*glibc only*)

# xbps-install -Sy nvidia nvidia-opencl

### 32-bit drivers

(Only applicable to glibc as Void Linux musl only supports 64-bit)

To run 32-bit applications like some videogames it will also be necessary to install the 32-bit drivers:

#### For Intel

# xbps-install -Sy mesa-32bit mesa-dri-32bit mesa-vulkan-intel-32bit vulkan-loader-32bit

#### For AMD

# xbps-install -Sy vulkan-loader-32bit amdvlk-32bit mesa-32bit mesa-dri-32bit

#### For Nvidia

# xbps-install -Sy nvidia-libs-32bit

## CPU firmware

To keep the firmware of your CPU up to date it is necessary to install the correct microcode:

### For Intel

(The Intel microcode requires that you are using the nonfree repository)

# xbps-install -Sy intel-ucode

And regenerate the initramfs:

# xbps-reconfigure -f linux<version>

### For AMD

# xbps-install -Sy linux-firmware-amd

## Nvidia and wayland

For Nvidia to work correctly with Wayfire you'll have to add the boot parameter to `/boot/loader/void-options.conf`.


And reconfigure the kernel:

# xbps-reconfigure -f linux<version>