--- gitea: none include_toc: false --- ### Window manager There are many different window managers and desktop environments which can provide a decent experience. Wayfire is a functional, relatively lightweight and good looking wayland window manager and will be used for this install. To install a barebones Wayfire use: ``` # xbps-install -Sy wayfire ``` To be able to configure Wayfire and have a gtk theme install: ``` # xbps-install -Sy wf-shell wcm dconf-editor plata-theme papirus-icon-theme ``` Wayfire can be configured by editing `.config/wayfire.ini`. ``` $ cp {config-files-repo}/wayfire/wayfire.ini .config/ ``` To use the gtk theme. Configure it with `dconf-editor` under `org.gnome.desktop.interface.gtk-theme` and for icons under `org.gnome.desktop.interface.icon-theme`. If these directories do not exist, than that possibly means that a gtk application has not yet ran on the system. A custom bash script may be created in `/usr/local/bin`. That exports all the essential environment variables for the session. ``` # cp -r {config-files-repo}/wayfire/wayfire-run /usr/local/bin/ ```