# Documentation for lnco projects Documentation for the different projects and setups of lnco on [docs.bijl.us](https://docs.bijl.us) ## To do for Void-desktop Important: - [ ] User packages - [ ] User services (Turnstile backend) - [x] Automatic decryption through TPM (Clevis) - [x] Clevis package - [x] Booster - [ ] Hardenend kernel - [ ] Sysctl optimisations - [ ] Better luks encryption algoritm (faster) - [ ] Better boot parameters - [ ] Better partitioning (/usr, /proc etc their own partitions and also more secure root partition) - [ ] Better polkit permisissions - [ ] Application sandboxing (bubblejail, bubblewrap, apparmor) Less important: - [ ] macchanger - [ ] plymouth (for graphical boot up) (not possible with booster) - [ ] ABRoot - [ ] Firewall (ufw) Notes: https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/guides/linux-hardening.html#kernel