# Users To run containers securely; in an environment with fewer privileges, a user is necessary. ## Wheel Before creating the user install `doas`, to use when root is required: ``` # apk add doas ``` Configure `doas` through `/etc/doas.d/main.conf`: ``` permit persist :wheel as root permit nopasss :_power cmd /sbin/poweroff permit nopasss :_power cmd /sbin/reboot ``` ## Adding a user Adding a user in Alpine Linux can be done using the `setup-user` script. Here we can specify the name, groups and more: ``` # setup-user -g wheel,_power <username> # passwd <username> ``` If you have checked that `doas` works with the user then you can lock the root account because it imposes security risks if it is kept open. This can be done with: ``` # passwd -l root ``` and editing `/etc/passwd` to change the login shell from `/bin/ash` to `/sbin/nologin`: ``` root:x:0:0:root:/root:/sbin/nologin ``` ## User services