We have a $n \in \mathbb{N}$ finite dimensional vector space $V$ such that $\dim V = n$, with a basis $\{\mathbf{e}_i\}_{i=1}^n,$ a corresponding dual space $V^*$ with a basis $\{\mathbf{\hat e}^i\}_{i=1}^n$ and a pseudo inner product $\bm{g}$ on $V.$
> then $\bm{\mu}$ is the **unit volume form** with respect to the basis $\{\mathbf{e}_i\}$.
Note that $\dim \bigwedge_n(V) = 1$ and consequently if $\bm{\mu}_1, \bm{\mu}_2 \in \bigwedge_n(V) \backslash \{\mathbf{0}\}$, then $\bm{\mu}_1 = \lambda \bm{\mu}_2$ with $\lambda \in \mathbb{K}$.
> *Proposition 1*: the unit volume form $\bm{\mu} \in \bigwedge_n(V) \backslash \{\mathbf{0}\}$ may be given by
The normalisation of the unit volume form $\bm{\mu}$ requires a basis. Consequently, the identification $\mu_{i_1 \dots i_n} = [i_1, \dots, i_n]$ holds only relative to the basis.
> *Definition 2*: let $(V, \bm{\mu})$ denote the vector space $V$ endowed with an **oriented volume form** $\bm{\mu}$. For $\bm{\mu} > 0$ we have a positive orientation of $(V, \bm{\mu})$ and for $\bm{\mu} < 0$ we have a negative orientation of $(V, \bm{\mu})$.
For a vector space with an oriented volume $(V, \bm{\mu})$ we may write
> for all $\mathbf{v}_1, \dots, \mathbf{v}_n \in V$ with $(i,j)$ denoting the entry of the matrix over which the determinant is taken.
??? note "*Proof*:"
Will be added later.
Which reveals the role of the Kronecker tensor and thus the role of the dual space in the definition of $\bm{\mu}$. We may also conclude that an oriented volume $\bm{\mu} \in \bigwedge_n(V)$ on a vector space $V$ does not require an inner product.
From proposition 2 it may also be observed that within a geometrical context the oriented volume form may represent the area of a parallelogram in $n=2$ or the volume of a parallelepiped in $n=3$, span by its basis.
> *Definition 3*: let $(V, \bm{\mu})$ be a vector space with an oriented volume form and let $\mathbf{u}_1, \dots, \mathbf{u}_k \in V$ with $k \in \mathbb{N}[k < n]$. Let the $(n-k)$-form $\bm{\mu} \lrcorner \mathbf{u}_1 \lrcorner \dots \lrcorner \mathbf{u}_k \in \bigwedge_{n-k}(V)$ be defined as
> *Definition 4*: let $(V, \bm{\mu})$ be a vector space with a unit volume form with invariant holor. Let $\bm{\epsilon} \in \bigwedge_n(V)$ be the **Levi-Civita tensor** which is the unique unit volume form of positive orientation defined as
then we have $\epsilon_{i_1 \dots i_n} = \sqrt{g} \mu_{i_1 \dots i_n}$ and $\epsilon_{|i_1 \dots i_n|} = \sqrt{g}$.
> *Theorem 2*: let $(V, \bm{\mu})$ be a vector space with a unit volume form with invariant holor. Let $\mathbf{g}(\bm{\epsilon}) \in \bigwedge^n(V)$ be the **reciprocal Levi-Civita tensor** which is given by