Let $\mathrm{M}$ be a differential manifold with $\dim \mathrm{M} = n \in \mathbb{N}$ used throughout the section. Let $\mathrm{TM}$ and $\mathrm{T^*M}$ denote the tangent and cotangent bundle, $V$ and $V^*$ the fiber and dual fiber bundle and $\mathscr{B}$ the tensor fiber bundle.
## Torsion operator
> *Definition 1*: the **torsion operator** $\Theta: \Gamma(\mathrm{TM}) \times \Gamma(\mathrm{TM}) \to \Gamma(\mathrm{TM})$ is defined as
> for all $\bm{\omega} \in \Gamma(\mathrm{T}^*\mathrm{M})$ and $\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v} \in \Gamma(\mathrm{TM})$.
??? note "*Proof*:"
Will be added later.
## Torsion tensor
As a result of proposition 1 we may view torsion as a locally defined mixed tensor of type $\mathbf{T} \in \mathrm{T}_x \mathrm{M} \otimes \mathrm{T}_x^* \mathrm{M} \otimes \mathrm{T}_x^* \mathrm{M}$.
> *Definition 2*: the **torsion tensor** $\mathbf{T}: \mathrm{T}_x^* \mathrm{M} \times \mathrm{T}_x \mathrm{M} \times \mathrm{T}_x \mathrm{M} \to \mathbb{K}$ with $x \in \mathrm{M}$ is defined as