diff --git a/config/en/mkdocs.yaml b/config/en/mkdocs.yaml
index d6ed6c9..6ef77f0 100755
--- a/config/en/mkdocs.yaml
+++ b/config/en/mkdocs.yaml
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ markdown_extensions:
- pymdownx.mark
- pymdownx.tilde
- def_list
+ - admonition
+ - pymdownx.details
+ - pymdownx.superfences
diff --git a/docs/en/mathematics/set-theory/sets.md b/docs/en/mathematics/set-theory/sets.md
index f05f68f..2ff6ad8 100644
--- a/docs/en/mathematics/set-theory/sets.md
+++ b/docs/en/mathematics/set-theory/sets.md
@@ -28,4 +28,8 @@ Suppose for example that $B = {x,y,z}$, then $\wp(B) = \{\varnothing,\{x\},\{y\}
Let $B$ be set with $n$ elements. A subset $A$ of $B$ is completely determined by its elements. For each element $b \in B$ there are two options, it is in $A$ or it is not. So, there are $2^n$ options and thus $2^n$ different subsets $A$ of $B$.
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+??? note "*Proof*:"
+ Let $B$ be set with $n$ elements. A subset $A$ of $B$ is completely determined by its elements. For each element $b \in B$ there are two options, it is in $A$ or it is not. So, there are $2^n$ options and thus $2^n$ different subsets $A$ of $B$.
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