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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
236efdb872 updated '' 2023-04-22 12:25:43 +02:00
0291056786 removed wlogout from greeter and updated wayfire.ini 2023-04-22 12:08:13 +02:00
4 changed files with 31 additions and 377 deletions

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@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
min_value = 0.100000
modifier = <alt> <super>
close_animation = fade
duration = 400
enabled_for = all
fade_duration = 400
fade_enabled_for = none
fire_duration = 300
fire_enabled_for = none
fire_particle_size = 16.000000
fire_particles = 2000
open_animation = fade
startup_duration = 600
zoom_duration = 500
zoom_enabled_for = none
audio = pipewire
audio_notify = sleep 1; pa-notify -t 2
audio_player = sleep 1; playerctld daemon
automount = udiskie -As
autostart_wf_shell = false
background = wf-background
bar = waybar
element = element-desktop --hidden --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
gamma = wlsunset -l 52.0 -L 5.9 -t 3000
idle = swayidle -w timeout 230 gtklock before-sleep gtklock
network = sleep 1; nm-applet --indicator
notifications = mako
outputs = kanshi
blur_by_default = type is "toplevel"
bokeh_degrade = 1
bokeh_iterations = 15
bokeh_offset = 5.000000
box_degrade = 1
box_iterations = 2
box_offset = 1.000000
gaussian_degrade = 1
gaussian_iterations = 2
gaussian_offset = 1.000000
kawase_degrade = 8
kawase_iterations = 2
kawase_offset = 2.000000
method = gaussian
saturation = 1.000000
toggle = none
binding_filer = <super> KEY_F
binding_firefox = <super> KEY_B
binding_gamma = <super> KEY_G
binding_kanshi = <super> KEY_K
binding_launcher = <super> KEY_S
binding_matrix = <super> KEY_E
binding_mute = KEY_MUTE
binding_next = KEY_NEXTSONG
binding_playpause = KEY_PLAYPAUSE
binding_previous = KEY_PREVIOUSSONG
binding_screenshot = <shift> KEY_SYSRQ
binding_screenshot_interactive = KEY_SYSRQ
binding_terminal = <super> KEY_T
binding_volumedown = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
binding_volumeup = KEY_VOLUMEUP
binding_vscode = <super> KEY_V
binding_waybar = <super> KEY_W
binding_wlogout = <super> KEY_P
command_filer = Thunar
command_firefox = firefox
command_gamma = wlsunset -l 52.0 -L 5.9 -t 3000
command_kanshi = kanshi
command_launcher = wofi --show drun
command_matrix = element-desktop --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
command_mute = pamixer -t
command_next = playerctl next
command_playpause = playerctl play-pause
command_previous = playerctl previous
command_screenshot = grim - | wl-copy -t image/png
command_screenshot_interactive = pkill -9 slurp; grim -g "$(slurp -d)" - | wl-copy -t image/png
command_terminal = foot
command_volumedown = pamixer -d 5 -u
command_volumeup = pamixer -i 5 -u
command_vscode = code-oss
command_waybar = pkill -9 waybar; waybar
command_wlogout = wlogout
background_color = \#000000FF
close_top_view = <super> KEY_Q | <alt> KEY_F4
focus_button_with_modifiers = false
focus_buttons = BTN_LEFT | BTN_MIDDLE | BTN_RIGHT
focus_buttons_passthrough = true
max_render_time = -1
plugins = alpha animate autostart command cube expo fast-switcher grid idle move oswitch place resize switcher vswitch window-rules wobbly wrot zoom blur
preferred_decoration_mode = server
vheight = 3
vwidth = 3
xwayland = true
activate = <alt> <ctrl> BTN_LEFT
background = \#00000000
background_mode = simple
cubemap_image =
deform = 0
initial_animation = 350
light = true
rotate_left = none
rotate_right = none
skydome_mirror = true
skydome_texture =
speed_spin_horiz = 0.020000
speed_spin_vert = 0.020000
speed_zoom = 0.070000
zoom = 0.100000
active_color = \#000000FF
border_size = 0
button_order =
font = Roboto
ignore_views = none
inactive_color = \#000000FF
title_height = 0
background = \#00000000
duration = 300
offset = 10
select_workspace_1 = KEY_1
select_workspace_2 = KEY_2
select_workspace_3 = KEY_3
select_workspace_4 = KEY_4
select_workspace_5 = KEY_5
select_workspace_6 = KEY_6
select_workspace_7 = KEY_7
select_workspace_8 = KEY_8
select_workspace_9 = KEY_9
toggle = <super>
close_fingers = 20
move_delay = 500
move_fingers = 3
activate = <alt> KEY_TAB
activate_backward = <alt> <shift> KEY_TAB
inactive_alpha = 0.700000
radius = 450.000000
toggle = <ctrl> <super> KEY_F
zoom = 7.000000
duration = 300
restore = <super> KEY_DOWN | <super> KEY_KP0
slot_b = <super> KEY_KP2
slot_bl = <super> KEY_KP1
slot_br = <super> KEY_KP3
slot_c = <super> KEY_UP | <super> KEY_KP5
slot_l = <super> KEY_LEFT | <super> KEY_KP4
slot_r = <super> KEY_RIGHT | <super> KEY_KP6
slot_t = <super> KEY_KP8
slot_tl = <super> KEY_KP7
slot_tr = <super> KEY_KP9
type = crossfade
cube_max_zoom = 1.500000
cube_rotate_speed = 1.000000
cube_zoom_speed = 1000
disable_on_fullscreen = true
dpms_timeout = 240
screensaver_timeout = 220
toggle = none
click_method = default
cursor_size = 24
cursor_theme = default
disable_touchpad_while_mouse = false
disable_touchpad_while_typing = false
gesture_sensitivity = 1.000000
kb_capslock_default_state = false
kb_numlock_default_state = false
kb_repeat_delay = 400
kb_repeat_rate = 40
left_handed_mode = false
middle_emulation = false
modifier_binding_timeout = 400
mouse_accel_profile = default
mouse_cursor_speed = 0.000000
mouse_scroll_speed = 1.000000
natural_scroll = false
scroll_method = default
tap_to_click = true
touchpad_accel_profile = default
touchpad_cursor_speed = 0.000000
touchpad_scroll_speed = 1.000000
xkb_layout = eu
xkb_model =
xkb_options =
xkb_rules = evdev
xkb_variant =
output =
preserve_hue = false
toggle = <super> KEY_I
activate = <super> BTN_LEFT
enable_snap = false
enable_snap_off = true
join_views = false
quarter_snap_threshold = 50
snap_off_threshold = 10
snap_threshold = 10
workspace_switch_after = -1
next_output = <super> KEY_O
next_output_with_win = <shift> <super> KEY_O
mode = auto
position = auto
scale = 1.000000
transform = normal
mode = center
last_output_focus_timeout = 1000000
activate = <super> BTN_RIGHT
allow_zoom = false
background = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
bg_color = \#1A1A1AE6
duration = 750
inactive_alpha = 0.750000
interact = false
middle_click_close = false
spacing = 50
text_color = \#CCCCCCFF
title_font_size = 16
title_overlay = all
title_position = center
toggle = <super> KEY_P
toggle_all =
bg_color = \#00000080
case_sensitive = false
font_size = 30
overlay = true
share_filter = false
text_color = \#CCCCCCCC
button_move = <super> BTN_LEFT
button_resize = <super> BTN_RIGHT
inner_gap_size = 5
keep_fullscreen_on_adjacent = true
key_focus_above = <super> KEY_K
key_focus_below = <super> KEY_J
key_focus_left = <super> KEY_H
key_focus_right = <super> KEY_L
key_toggle = <super> KEY_T
outer_horiz_gap_size = 0
outer_vert_gap_size = 0
tile_by_default = all
next_view = <alt> KEY_TAB
prev_view = <alt> <shift> KEY_TAB
speed = 500
view_thumbnail_scale = 1.000000
background = \#1A1A1AFF
delta_threshold = 24.000000
duration = 180
enable_free_movement = false
enable_horizontal = true
enable_smooth_transition = false
enable_vertical = true
fingers = 4
gap = 32.000000
speed_cap = 0.050000
speed_factor = 256.000000
threshold = 0.350000
background = \#00000000
binding_down = <ctrl> <super> KEY_DOWN
binding_left = <ctrl> <super> KEY_LEFT
binding_right = <ctrl> <super> KEY_RIGHT
binding_up = <ctrl> <super> KEY_UP
binding_win_down = <ctrl> <shift> <super> KEY_DOWN
binding_win_left = <ctrl> <shift> <super> KEY_LEFT
binding_win_right = <ctrl> <shift> <super> KEY_RIGHT
binding_win_up = <ctrl> <shift> <super> KEY_UP
duration = 300
gap = 20
with_win_down = <ctrl> <super> <shift> KEY_DOWN
with_win_left = <ctrl> <super> <shift> KEY_LEFT
with_win_right = <ctrl> <super> <shift> KEY_RIGHT
with_win_up = <ctrl> <super> <shift> KEY_UP
wraparound = false
minimize = none
send_to_back = none
toggle_always_on_top = none
toggle_fullscreen = none
toggle_maximize = none
toggle_showdesktop = none
toggle_sticky = none
friction = 5.000000
grid_resolution = 6
spring_k = 8.000000
all_dialogs_modal = true
app_id_mode = stock
dynamic_repaint_delay = false
activate = <ctrl> <super> BTN_RIGHT
activate-3d = <shift> <super> BTN_RIGHT
invert = false
reset = <ctrl> <super> KEY_R
reset-one = <super> KEY_R
reset_radius = 25.000000
sensitivity = 24
modifier = <super>
smoothing_duration = 300
speed = 0.010000

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ focus_button_with_modifiers = false
focus_buttons = BTN_LEFT | BTN_MIDDLE | BTN_RIGHT focus_buttons = BTN_LEFT | BTN_MIDDLE | BTN_RIGHT
focus_buttons_passthrough = true focus_buttons_passthrough = true
max_render_time = -1 max_render_time = -1
plugins = animate autostart blur cube command idle plugins = animate autostart blur cube idle
preferred_decoration_mode = server preferred_decoration_mode = server
vheight = 3 vheight = 3
vwidth = 3 vwidth = 3
@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ gtkgreet = gtkgreet -l -s /etc/greetd/config/gtkgreet.css; pkill -9 wayfire
gamma = wlsunset -l 52.0 -L 5.9 -t 3000 gamma = wlsunset -l 52.0 -L 5.9 -t 3000
outputs = kanshi -c /etc/greetd/config/kanshi/config outputs = kanshi -c /etc/greetd/config/kanshi/config
binding_wlogout = <super> KEY_P
command_wlogout = wlogout -l /etc/greetd/config/wlogout/layout --css /etc/greetd/config/wlogout/style.css
[animate] [animate]
close_animation = fade close_animation = fade
duration = 400 duration = 400

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ background = wf-background
bar = waybar bar = waybar
element = element-desktop --hidden --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland element = element-desktop --hidden --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
gamma = wlsunset -l 52.0 -L 5.9 -t 3000 gamma = wlsunset -l 52.0 -L 5.9 -t 3000
idle = swayidle -w timeout 590 gtklock before-sleep gtklock idle = swayidle -w timeout 390 gtklock before-sleep gtklock
network = sleep 1; nm-applet --indicator network = sleep 1; nm-applet --indicator
notifications = mako notifications = mako
outputs = kanshi outputs = kanshi
@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ speed_zoom = 0.070000
zoom = 0.100000 zoom = 0.100000
[decoration] [decoration]
active_color = \#000000CA active_color = \#000000FF
border_size = 2 border_size = 0
button_order = button_order =
font = Roboto font = Roboto
ignore_views = none ignore_views = none
inactive_color = \#0000009C inactive_color = \#000000FF
title_height = 0 title_height = 0
[expo] [expo]
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ move_fingers = 3
[fast-switcher] [fast-switcher]
activate = <alt> KEY_TAB activate = <alt> KEY_TAB
activate_backward = <alt> <shift> KEY_TAB activate_backward = <alt> <shift> KEY_TAB
inactive_alpha = 1.000000 inactive_alpha = 0.700000
[fisheye] [fisheye]
radius = 450.000000 radius = 450.000000
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ cube_max_zoom = 1.500000
cube_rotate_speed = 1.000000 cube_rotate_speed = 1.000000
cube_zoom_speed = 1000 cube_zoom_speed = 1000
disable_on_fullscreen = true disable_on_fullscreen = true
dpms_timeout = 600 dpms_timeout = 400
screensaver_timeout = 300 screensaver_timeout = 300
toggle = none toggle = none

View file

@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ And refresh the repositories:
# xbps-install -S # xbps-install -S
``` ```
### Firmware and drivers ### Firmware and drivers (maybe unfinished)
#### GPU drivers #### GPU drivers
@ -745,13 +745,29 @@ wayfire-run
bash bash
``` ```
Additionally `kanshi` and `wlogout` may be added in the greeter session. Additionally `kanshi` may be added in the greeter session. To obtain the right display configuration in the greeter session.
``` ```
# cp -r void-desktop/config-files/kanshi /etc/greetd/config # cp -r void-desktop/config-files/kanshi /etc/greetd/config
# cp -r void-desktop/config-files/wlogout /etc/greetd/config
``` ```
Greetd may then be enabled by linking it to `/var/service`. However, the best practice is to first test `greetd`. Since, with a non-functioning `greetd`, it may not be possible anymore to log into the system.
The best practice is thus to create a down file in the `greetd` service.
# touch /etc/sv/greetd/down
And then linking and enabling `greetd`.
# ln -s /etc/sv/greetd /var/service
# sv up greetd
If `greetd` functions properly the down file may be removed.
### Window manager ### Window manager
There are many different window managers and desktop environments which can provide a decent experience. Wayfire is a functional, relatively lightweight and good looking wayland window manager and will be used for this install. There are many different window managers and desktop environments which can provide a decent experience. Wayfire is a functional, relatively lightweight and good looking wayland window manager and will be used for this install.
@ -864,7 +880,7 @@ Also make sure that Waybar and network-manager-applet are started by Wayfire.
``` ```
[autostart] [autostart]
bar = waybar bar = waybar
network = sleep 5; nm-applet --indicator network = sleep 1; nm-applet --indicator
``` ```
### Application launcher ### Application launcher
@ -965,7 +981,7 @@ or
``` ```
### Notifications ### Notifications
#### SwayNC #### SwayNC
For a more robust notification deamon it's recommended to use SwayNotificationCenter which also provides a *notifications center* which can be heavily customised. For a more robust notification deamon it's recommended to use SwayNotificationCenter which also provides a *notifications center* which can be heavily customised.
@ -995,10 +1011,10 @@ command_swaync = swaync-client -t -sw
Waybar can also be configured to display an icon for when there are unread notifications. In `.config/waybar/config` add: Waybar can also be configured to display an icon for when there are unread notifications. In `.config/waybar/config` add:
``` ```
#### Mako #### Mako
For a very minimal notification deamon it's recommended to use Mako. It can be used to display notifications from the session-bus. For a very minimal notification deamon it's recommended to use Mako. It can be used to display notifications from the session-bus.
@ -1204,7 +1220,7 @@ or
Some essential applications and packages. Some essential applications and packages.
``` ```
# xbps-install firefox-esr vscode foot Thunar element-desktop mpv blueman wdisplays wlr-randr noto-fonts-ttf noto-fonts-cjk # xbps-install firefox-esr vscode foot Thunar element-desktop htop mpv blueman wdisplays wlr-randr noto-fonts-ttf noto-fonts-cjk
``` ```
<!--- <!---
## Misc ## Misc