inconsistend markup #4

opened 2023-07-21 21:23:27 +02:00 by Ghost · 1 comment

That you forget to put a # before a command sometimes is fine, but to do this:

$ cp -r void-desktop/config-files/wlogout .config/
# cp void-desktop/data/wlogout-icons/* /usr/share/wlogout/icons/

is unacceptable. besides that the # or the $ make it harder to copy. It at least makes a differs between files being edited or commands being executed

That you forget to put a # before a command sometimes is fine, but to do this: ``` $ cp -r void-desktop/config-files/wlogout .config/ # cp void-desktop/data/wlogout-icons/* /usr/share/wlogout/icons/ ``` is unacceptable. besides that the # or the $ make it harder to copy. It at least makes a differs between files being edited or commands being executed

$ For user
# For root

`$` For user `#` For root
nils closed this issue 2023-07-21 21:55:20 +02:00
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Reference: luc/void-desktop#4
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