#!/bin/sh # Things to spawn riverctl map normal Super Return spawn footclient riverctl map normal Super Space spawn fuzzel riverctl map normal Super+Control S spawn 'pkill -9 slurp || grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy -t image/png' riverctl map normal Super Print spawn 'grim | wl-copy -t image/png' riverctl map normal Super V spawn pavucontrol riverctl map normal Super Escape spawn 'gtklock -d' # Super+Q to close the focused view riverctl map normal Super Slash close # Super+Shift+E to exit river riverctl map normal Super+Shift E spawn "dinitctl shutdown ; riverctl exit" # Focus shortcuts riverctl map normal Super Up focus-view up riverctl map normal Super Right focus-view right riverctl map normal Super Down focus-view down riverctl map normal Super Left focus-view left # Change positions riverctl map normal Super+Shift Up swap up riverctl map normal Super+Shift Right swap right riverctl map normal Super+Shift Down swap down riverctl map normal Super+Shift Left swap left # Super+Period and Super+Comma to focus the next/previous output riverctl map normal Super Period focus-output next riverctl map normal Super Comma focus-output previous # Super+Shift+{Period,Comma} to send the focused view to the next/previous output riverctl map normal Super+Shift Period send-to-output -current-tags next riverctl map normal Super+Shift Comma send-to-output -current-tags previous # Super+Alt+{H,J,K,L} to move views riverctl map normal Super+Alt H move left 100 riverctl map normal Super+Alt J move down 100 riverctl map normal Super+Alt K move up 100 riverctl map normal Super+Alt L move right 100 # Super+Alt+Control+{H,J,K,L} to snap views to screen edges riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control H snap left riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control J snap down riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control K snap up riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control L snap right # Super+Alt+Shift+{H,J,K,L} to resize views riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift H resize horizontal -100 riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift J resize vertical 100 riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift K resize vertical -100 riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift L resize horizontal 100 # Super + Left Mouse Button to move views riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_LEFT move-view # Super + Right Mouse Button to resize views riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_RIGHT resize-view # Super + Middle Mouse Button to toggle float riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_MIDDLE toggle-float for i in $(seq 1 9) do tags=$((1 << ($i - 1))) # Super+[1-9] to focus tag [0-8] riverctl map normal Super $i set-focused-tags $tags # Super+Shift+[1-9] to tag focused view with tag [0-8] riverctl map normal Super+Shift $i set-view-tags $tags # Super+Control+[1-9] to toggle focus of tag [0-8] riverctl map normal Super+Control $i toggle-focused-tags $tags # Super+Shift+Control+[1-9] to toggle tag [0-8] of focused view riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control $i toggle-view-tags $tags done # Super+0 to focus all tags # Super+Shift+0 to tag focused view with all tags all_tags=$(((1 << 32) - 1)) riverctl map normal Super 0 set-focused-tags $all_tags riverctl map normal Super+Shift 0 set-view-tags $all_tags # Super+Space to toggle float riverctl map normal Super+Shift Space toggle-float # Super+F to toggle fullscreen riverctl map normal Super F toggle-fullscreen # Super+F11 to enter passthrough mode riverctl map normal Super F11 enter-mode passthrough # Super+F11 to return to normal mode riverctl map passthrough Super F11 enter-mode normal # Various media key mapping examples for both normal and locked mode which do # not have a modifier for mode in normal locked do # Eject the optical drive (well if you still have one that is) riverctl map $mode None XF86Eject spawn 'eject -T' # Control pulse audio volume with pamixer (https://github.com/cdemoulins/pamixer) riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioRaiseVolume spawn 'wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 5%+ ; wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ 0' riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioLowerVolume spawn 'wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 5%- ; wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ 0' riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMute spawn 'wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle' riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMicMute spawn 'wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle' # Control MPRIS aware media players with playerctl (https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl) riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMedia spawn 'playerctl play-pause' riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPlay spawn 'playerctl play-pause' riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPrev spawn 'playerctl previous' riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioNext spawn 'playerctl next' # Control screen backlight brightness with brightnessctl (https://github.com/Hummer12007/brightnessctl) riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessUp spawn 'brightnessctl set +5%' riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'brightnessctl set 5%-' done