#!/bin/sh # Source colors generated by wal source ~/.cache/wal/colors-river # Source all the keybinds source ~/.config/river/binds # Set border-width riverctl border-width 2 # Spawn the user services riverctl spawn 'dinit graphical.target -d .config/dinit.d -q -u' # Use server side decoration everywhere riverctl rule-add -app-id "*" ssd # Declare a passthrough mode. This mode has only a single mapping to return to # normal mode. This makes it useful for testing a nested wayland compositor riverctl declare-mode passthrough # Set layouter to bsp riverctl default-layout bsp-layout river-bsp-layout --inner-gap 2 --outer-gap 4 --split-perc 0.5 --og-top 0 & # --- Device input settings -------------- # Keyboard layout riverctl keyboard-layout dehel # Set keyboard repeat rate riverctl set-repeat 50 300 # Natural scroll riverctl input pointer-1160-4639-DELL08B8:00_0488:121F_Touchpad natural-scroll enabled # Set focus-follow riverctl focus-follows-cursor normal