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Alpine Linux uses OpenRC as init system which has a few configuration option that can be changed. Most options are already explained in the /etc/rc.conf file which has to be edited.

Parallel services

The boot process can be sped up if services are launched parallel (do note that this can lead to small issues).



What is more important is enabling the logger which logs the rc process. Enable it by setting:


To also log the kernel add klogd.

# apk add sysklogd
# rc-update add klogd boot

You can view the logs in /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/messages

User services using Runit

If home-manager has been initialised and logged into the Wayfire session then it should have started a lot of services automatically. These are created and managed through home-manager.

The help and manual pages of runit explain how to use sv to manage the services.