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Application launcher

An application launcher may be used to easily start applications in Wayfire.


For a fast and lightweight application launcher it's recommended to use tofi which starts in a few miliseconds if configured correctly. To install it:

# xbps-install -Sy tofi

Tofi can be configured by editing .config/tofi/config.

cp -r {config-files-repo}/tofi .config/

To launch tofi through a keybind it has to be bound in .config/wayfire.ini.

binding_launcher = <super> KEY_S
command_launcher = tofi-drun | xargs /bin/bash -c -- & exit


Although the wofi package is no longer maintained and is generally less optimised compared to tofi it does have some important features that tofi does not have. Such as, a better positioning protocol.

To install the wofi package.

# xbps-install -Sy wofi

Wofi may be configured by editing .config/wofi/config.

$ cp -r {config-files-repo}/wofi .config/

Wofi may be launched with a keybind, thereby edit .config/wayfire.ini.

binding_launcher = <super> KEY_S
command_launcher = wofi --show drun


Wlogout may be used as a specific launcher for power management options. Such as, reboot, suspend and to power off the system.

To install the wlogout package.

# xbps-install -Sy wlogout

Wlogout can be configured by editing .config/wlogout/layout.

$ cp -r {config-files-repo}/wlogout .config/
# cp {config-files-repo}/extra/wlogout-icons/* /usr/share/wlogout/icons/

Wlogout can be launched with a keybind, thereby edit .config/wayfire.ini.

binding_wlogout = <super> KEY_P
command_wlogout = wlogout

Wlogout needs permission to shutdown the system. This permission can be given by creating /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/00-power-management.rules and inserting.

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) 
	if ( == "org.freedesktop.policykit.exec" && action.lookup("program") == "/bin/shutdown" && subject.isInGroup("wheel"))
		return polkit.Result.YES;

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject)
	if ( == "org.freedesktop.policykit.exec" && action.lookup("program") == "/bin/zzz" && subject.isInGroup("wheel"))
		return polkit.Result.YES;


# cp {config-files-repo}/polkit/00-power-management.rules /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/