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Direct sums
Definition 1: in a metric space
, the distance\delta
from an elementx \in X
to a nonempty subsetM \subset X
is defined as
\delta = \inf_{\tilde y \in M} d(x,\tilde y).
In a normed space (X, \|\cdot\|)
this becomes
\delta = \inf_{\tilde y \in M} |x - \tilde y|.
Definition 2: let
be a vector space and letx, y \in X
, the line segmentl
between the vectorsx
is defined as
l = {z \in X ;|; \exists \alpha \in [0,1]: z = \alpha x + (1 - \alpha) y}.
Using definition 2, we may define the following.
Definition 3: a subset
M \subset X
of a vector spaceX
is convex if for allx, y \in M
the line segment betweenx
is contained inM
This definition is true for projections of convex lenses which have been discussed in optics.
We can now provide the main theorem in this section.
Theorem 1: let
be an inner product space and letM \subset X
be a complete convex subset ofX
. Then for everyx \in X
there exists a uniquey \in M
such that
\delta = \inf_{\tilde y \in M} |x - \tilde y| = |x - y|,
is a complete subspaceY
, thenx - y
is orthogonal toX
??? note "Proof:"
Will be added later.
Now that the foundation is set, we may introduce direct sums.
Definition 4: a vector space
is a direct sumX = Y \oplus Z
of two subspacesY \subset X
andZ \subset X
if eachx \in X
has a unique representation
x = y + z,
y \in Y
andz \in Z
Then Z
is called an algebraic complement of Y
in X
and vice versa, and Y
, Z
is called a complementary pair of subspaces in X
In the case Z = \{z \in X \;|\; z \perp Y\}
we have that Z
is the orthogonal complement or annihilator of Y
. Also denoted as Y^\perp
Proposition 1: let
Y \subset X
be any closed subspace of a Hilbert spaceX
, then
X = Y \oplus Y^\perp,
Y^\perp = \{x\in X \;|\; x \perp Y\}
the orthogonal complement ofY
??? note "Proof:"
Will be added later.
We have that y \in Y
for x = y + z
is called the orthogonal projection of x
on Y
. Which defines an operator P: X \to Y: x \mapsto Px \overset{\mathrm{def}}= y
Lemma 1: let
Y \subset X
be a subset of a Hilbert spaceX
and letP: X \to Y
be the orthogonal projection operator, then we have
is a bounded linear operator,\|P\| = 1
,\mathscr{N}(P) = \{x \in X \;|\; Px = 0\}
??? note "Proof:"
Will be added later.
Lemma 2: if
is a closed subspace of a Hilbert spaceX
, thenY = Y^{\perp \perp}
??? note "Proof:"
Will be added later.
Then it follows that X = Y^\perp \oplus Y^{\perp \perp}
??? note "Proof:"
Will be added later.
Lemma 3: for every non-empty subset
M \subset X
of a Hilbert spaceX
we have
\mathrm{span}(M) \text{ is dense in } X \iff M^\perp = {0}.
??? note "Proof:"
Will be added later.