3.7 KiB
Definition: a relation
from a setA
to a setB
is called a map or function fromA
if for eacha \in A
there is one and only oneb \in B
- To indicate that
is a map fromA
we may writef:A \to B
.- If
a \in A
andb \in B
is the unique element withafb
then we may writeb=f(a)
.- The set of all maps from
is denoted byB^A
.- A partial map
from aA
with the property that for eacha \in A
there is at most oneb \in B
For example, let f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}
with f(x) = \sqrt{x}
for all x \in \mathbb{R}
is a partial map, since not all of \mathbb{R}
is mapped.
Proposition: let
f: A \to B
andg: B \to C
be maps, then the compositiong
:g \circ f = f;g
is a map fromA
??? note "Proof:"
Let $a \in A$ then $g(f(a))$ is an element in $C$ in relation $f;g$ with $a$. If $c \in C$ is an element in $C$ that is in relation $f;g$ with $a$, then there is a $b \in B$ with $afb$ and $bgc$. But then, as $f$ is a map, $b=f(a)$ and as $g$ is a map $c=g(b)$. Hence $c=g(b)=g(f(a))$ is the unique element in $C$ which is in relation $g \circ f$ with $a$.
Definition: Let
f: A \to B
be a map.
- The set
is called the domain off
and the setB
the codomain.- If
a \in A
then the elementb=f(a)
is called the image ofa
.- The subset of
consisting of the images of the elements ofA
is called the image or range off
and is denoted by\text{Im}(f)
.- If
a \in A
then the elementa
is called a pre-image ofb
. The set of all pre-images ofb
is denoted byf^{-1}(b)
Notice that b
can have more than one pre-image. Indeed if f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}
is given by f(x) = x^2
for all x \in \mathbb{R}
, then both -2
and 2
are pre-images of 4
If A'
is a subset of A
then the image of A'
under f
is the set f(A') = \{f(a) \;|\; a \in A'\}
, so \text{Im}(f) = f(A)
If B'
is a subet of B
then the pre-image of B'
, denoted by $f^{-1}(B') is the set of elements a
from A
that are mapped to an element b
of B'
Theorem: let
f: A \to B
be a map.
- If
A' \subseteq A
, thenf^{-1}(f(A')) \supseteq A'
.- If
B' \subseteq B
, thenf(f^{-1}(B')) \subseteq B'
??? note "Proof:"
Let $a' \in A'$, then $f(a') \in f(A')$ and hence $a' \in f^{-1}(f(A'))$. Thus $A' \subseteq f^{-1}(f(A'))$.
Let $a \in f^{-1}(B')$, then $f(a) \in B'$. Thus $f(f^{-1}(B')) \subseteq B'$.
Special maps
Definition: let
f: A \to B
be a map.
is called surjective, if for eachb \in B
there is at least onea \in A
withb = f(a)
. Thus\text{Im}(f) = B
is called injective if for eachb \in B
, there is at most onea
withf(a) = b
is called bijective if it is both surjective and injective. So, if for eachb \in B
there is a uniquea \in A
withf(a) = b
For example the map \sin: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}
is not surjective nor injective. The map \sin: [-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}] \to \mathbb{R}
is injective but not surjective and the map \sin: \mathbb{R} \to [-1,1]
is surjective but not injective. To conclude the map \sin: [-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}] \to [-1,1]
is a bijective map.
Theorem: let
be a set of sizen
a set of sizem
. Letf: A \to B
be a map between the setsA
- If
n < m
can not be surjective.- If
n > m
can not be injective.- If
n = m
is injective if and only if it is surjective.
??? note "Proof:"
Think of pigeonholes. (Not really a proof).